Thursday, March 10, 2011

Working Through Your Strengths

I have made a few discoveries along the way over the last 10 years in working with realtors and loan originators in helping develop and grow their businesses.

1.) Having a database that is non-functional.
Meaning that their list of relationships and past clients are sitting on a shelf collecting dust (Trust me, there was a time in my career where my list of relationships collect RUST, not Dust!)

2.) Not knowing what makes up their personal strengths.

I have presented my seminar “Check up From the Neck Up”, a growth and development seminar, for many loan originators and realtors. In one section of the presentation, we walk through what is called a S.W.O.T Analysis.  Strengths, Weakness (I like to call challenges) Opportunities, and Threats.  Two major things stood out when doing this exercise. One, I would ask the group about their strengths, the room went silent and all I could hear was the sound of crickets!  Two, as we discussed the weaknesses, the answers came back at me like misquotes on a late summer night. (Yes we will get to the warmth of summer!)

The realty is that we know more about our weakness than our strengths.  As industry professionals we need our mindset to change when it comes to this topic.  The best thing that happened to me in my business is utilizing the book “Now Discover Your Strengths”. There are many other strength finder books on the market, but this one was right for me.  Here are the strengths that I discovered about myself.


In the book they have descriptions of each of the strengths.  I have digested the information over time and I found it to be very accurate.  I put my strengths to work when it came to business planning, sales, training, and any other area of work and life.  I always keep my strengths top of mind and it has changed and grown my business immensely!   I always say.” A business plan and,your work, is not what you do, but who you are! 

So the question I ask you; are you working through your strengths? 

Don’t forget to have a Positive Market Mindset!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Mike; a working database is the heart of success in real estate.
